Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Longer Post (finally!)

Hello Everyone!
Here are some pictures! Enjoy.

Sydney took this a few weeks ago....We were either getting a storm or just had one..I can't remember.

I was holding the branch down for the goats...I had no idea someone took a picture!

The other day one of our chickens hatched out some chicks so we went out to catch them (if we don't they die) and Susie picked up our box and started carrying it around! lol

Gracie playing in the creek.

Emily with the chicks!

She named this one "Wilma". It fell asleep every time she picked it up.


They have now been moved off our porch and out in the yard. They were getting too big for the brooders and getting out. We have more chicks hatching in a week or two.

This is a cool video of 'Star of the County Down'.

That's all for now!


Marissa Kayann said...

Awww...... Emily is sooooooo cute with that chick =D

Unknown said...

Cool pictures Stephanie! =)


megan kristine said...

I made a new Main blog.
Please follow it instead of "the country life of an 11 year old"
The new blog is: www.meganssimplegirlsdiary.blogspot.com


Elizabeth J. said...

I love the picture of the dazzling sunset-it makes me stand in awe of God's spectacular creation.

P.S. If you would like, feel free to visit my blog.

~ McKenzie Elizabeth~ said...

I love the pictures! I wish chicks would always stay that cute!:)

~McKenzie Elizabeth~

Unknown said...

Hello Stephanie! =)
I got your comment on my blog. I'll definitely send ya an invite, but I need your e-mail address. =) If you could leave a comment with your e-mail address in it, then I'll send you an invite as soon as I can! Oh, and I won't publish the comment. =P Although I may not be able to invite you until next week, because I'm going to be gone on vacation all week... so, yep.
Anyway, I guess I'll see you this afternoon! =D


Stephanie L.S. said...

Thanks everyone for your comments! =D Madison, I will get the email address to you soon, but I can't right now because your blog isn't working....

♥Molly♥ said...



Macy said...

Awww... you wouldn't mind sparing a few chicks for a poor chickenless girl would you? ;) *Sigh* I really do want to get some chickens sometime soon. What kind do you girls have? Do you like them?

Unknown said...

Okay Stephanie! =) That will work! I hope my blog is working soon. =/


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Welcome to my blog! My name is Stephanie Lyn S. I am a Reformed Presbyterian who's goal in life is to glorify God. I enjoy many things like, blogging, reading, drawing, playing the violin, windy days, playing with my dog and training her, and the list goes on. I am homeschooled and love it! I have lived in 4 different states and currently live with my older sister, Sydney, and parents on a farm in the South. I am loving it! I hope you enjoy my blog!


In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot

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