Thursday, February 12, 2009

We're Getting Excited!

Hello Everyone,
We went to our new land today. We will be moving there sometime this month! I am so excited! The guy we bought it from is leaving his seven goats, his chickens, guinea hens, and two of his dogs. The land needs a LOT of work, but it will look really nice when we are finished! (Oh! I found a fossilized shell while we were out there! Sorry, I do not have a picture of it.)
Here are some pictures. Enjoy, =)




(She is

going to

have kids





a creek





One of
the dogs
being left

Guinea Hens
(They are

(Goat, maybe?)


So Cute!

One of the
(We have
to build a
house. Until
then, we are
living in this.)


Marissa Kayann said...

Nice shack lol

The dog is so cute!

We a creek by our house I'll have to take so pictures of it.

I can't wait til I can see the land next year or the year after when ever I come =)

the goats are cute!

Take picture when you move in so i can see them lol

Stephanie L.S. said...

Yeah, there's another creek too, but we are making them into a HUGE pond...I know, you'll love it! =)

Marissa Kayann said...

Oh ya I forgot you said you were going to do that =D

I'm sure I will, I loved the last property you had in Michigan, so this should be even better. =D


♥Molly♥ said...

That lookes so cool!!!!
Lookes like you guys are going to have a great time there!


Sarah said...

I NEED to get better, so I can see all of the property and goats! I am excited for y'all!! Oh, Steph, can you BELIEVE what I have!!?!?!? I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT!! It could last for a several more weeks! :( You will probably not see me for another week or 2...................... I know that you are very crushed! :P LOL


Unknown said...

Love the pictures Stephanie!! Haha, living in a shack could be fun. :P
I'll see you in a couple of hours!!


Anonymous said...

Neat! I can't believe the owner is leaving some (or is it all?) of the animals! Do you and/or Sydney ride horses? I love the creek too. You both will have "so much scope for the imagination!" :)
God bless!

Stephanie L.S. said...

Sarah, guess what? I think I am getting a fever...if you passed it to me....!
Madison, Thanks Madison. =)
Michaela, he is leaving all the animals except for one of his dogs. Syd and I love riding horses...I hope we can get some.

Stephanie L.S. said...

Thank you Molly! =)

Deborah said...

We found out that I have been contagious for over 4 weeks................. The incubation is 3 to 7 weeks, so you might be!! :P :P My throat hurts SO badly, that I am eating an average of 5 to 6 chocolate popsicles a day!!!!! Talk about getting fat! LOL How was chorus? Did anyone ask you where I was? I did not get much information out of Sydney. lol You and Sid will have to be my link to the world! lol :P

Oh, btw I watched Emma....... I LOVED it!! Now, I am watching Christy........ I like it! I read the book, and have been wanting to buy it from Sam's, but now I do not have to!! Could y'all bring Enchanted to church for your poor sick cousin/friend? :) :P

This is turning out to be a VERY LONG comment, so I will stop. :P


Deborah said...

OOPS!!! that was me on my mom's gmail account! :P


Stephanie L.S. said...

Sarah, we must have already packed Enchanted..we cannot find it.
No, no one asked me where you were.

Sarah said...

Oh, that is ok.... maybe my mom will let me buy it! :)

No one asked where I was!?!?! Well, that tells me what my friends think about me! lol :P Did y'all watch all of Christy? what did you think about it? :) The guy that plays Doc. MacNeil also plays in the first National Treasure as one of Ian's sidekicks!


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Welcome to my blog! My name is Stephanie Lyn S. I am a Reformed Presbyterian who's goal in life is to glorify God. I enjoy many things like, blogging, reading, drawing, playing the violin, windy days, playing with my dog and training her, and the list goes on. I am homeschooled and love it! I have lived in 4 different states and currently live with my older sister, Sydney, and parents on a farm in the South. I am loving it! I hope you enjoy my blog!


In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot

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