We went to our new land today. We will be moving there sometime this month! I am so excited! The guy we bought it from is leaving his seven goats, his chickens, guinea hens, and two of his dogs. The land needs a LOT of work, but it will look really nice when we are finished! (Oh! I found a fossilized shell while we were out there! Sorry, I do not have a picture of it.)
Here are some pictures. Enjoy, =)
(She is
going to
have kids
a creek
One of
the dogs
the dogs
being left
Guinea Hens
(They are
(Goat, maybe?)
So Cute!
One of the
(We have
to build a
house. Until
then, we are
living in this.)
Nice shack lol
The dog is so cute!
We a creek by our house I'll have to take so pictures of it.
I can't wait til I can see the land next year or the year after when ever I come =)
the goats are cute!
Take picture when you move in so i can see them lol
Yeah, there's another creek too, but we are making them into a HUGE pond...I know, you'll love it! =)
Oh ya I forgot you said you were going to do that =D
I'm sure I will, I loved the last property you had in Michigan, so this should be even better. =D
That lookes so cool!!!!
Lookes like you guys are going to have a great time there!
I NEED to get better, so I can see all of the property and goats! I am excited for y'all!! Oh, Steph, can you BELIEVE what I have!!?!?!? I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT!! It could last for a several more weeks! :( You will probably not see me for another week or 2...................... I know that you are very crushed! :P LOL
Love the pictures Stephanie!! Haha, living in a shack could be fun. :P
I'll see you in a couple of hours!!
Neat! I can't believe the owner is leaving some (or is it all?) of the animals! Do you and/or Sydney ride horses? I love the creek too. You both will have "so much scope for the imagination!" :)
God bless!
Sarah, guess what? I think I am getting a fever...if you passed it to me....!
Madison, Thanks Madison. =)
Michaela, he is leaving all the animals except for one of his dogs. Syd and I love riding horses...I hope we can get some.
Thank you Molly! =)
We found out that I have been contagious for over 4 weeks................. The incubation is 3 to 7 weeks, so you might be!! :P :P My throat hurts SO badly, that I am eating an average of 5 to 6 chocolate popsicles a day!!!!! Talk about getting fat! LOL How was chorus? Did anyone ask you where I was? I did not get much information out of Sydney. lol You and Sid will have to be my link to the world! lol :P
Oh, btw I watched Emma....... I LOVED it!! Now, I am watching Christy........ I like it! I read the book, and have been wanting to buy it from Sam's, but now I do not have to!! Could y'all bring Enchanted to church for your poor sick cousin/friend? :) :P
This is turning out to be a VERY LONG comment, so I will stop. :P
OOPS!!! that was me on my mom's gmail account! :P
Sarah, we must have already packed Enchanted..we cannot find it.
No, no one asked me where you were.
Oh, that is ok.... maybe my mom will let me buy it! :)
No one asked where I was!?!?! Well, that tells me what my friends think about me! lol :P Did y'all watch all of Christy? what did you think about it? :) The guy that plays Doc. MacNeil also plays in the first National Treasure as one of Ian's sidekicks!
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