Monday, April 6, 2009

Albino Peacock and Kid Pictures!

Hello Everyone!
Here are some pictures of Susie's kid...I am putting pictures of the kid coming out so if you don't want to see it, don't scroll down. We named her "Bo" because she was born on my uncle's birthday and his family calls him "Bo". We are going to take more pictures of her now that she is clean and I will post them soon.

This is an Albino huh?


Sorry some are small turned out small....I know how to fix it but I don't have the time.

Sarah and I (for those who don't know us, I am on the left)

We are ready!

Waiting for the kid


The hoofs are coming out

Almost there

I had to pull her out the rest of the way

She's here!

So Cute!

I love holding her!



Marissa Kayann said...

awwww! Cute!!!
Did you take you glasses off for it???

Looks like fun!! Wish I could have been there!
The kid is sooooooooo cute!!!!


Stephanie L.S. said...

No, I haven't been wearing my glasses because my eyes are getting better.

Marissa Kayann said...

How is that?

Rachel said...

How cute! Thanks for sharing the pics! (:

Anonymous said...

That's amazing!!!

Unknown said...

Cuuuute!! =D


Marissa Kayann said...

Oh by the way, I like you shirt Steph =D

Michaela said...

That albino peacock is the weirdest/coolest thing! Does he live on your property. (Duh! Sorry, that was a weird question!)
I don't know if I would be able to aid in teh birthing of a goat. You and Sarah are two brave girls! :D
Anyways, have great week!

veronica elise said...

That 's a really cool peakock! The goats really cute too:) I've never heard of eyes getting better, either. I wish mine would do that, But my eyes just keep getting worse. I got a new perscription half a year ago, and I've already been needing a new one for some time.

megan kristine said...


Rebecca said...

The kids are so cute, I love watching them, our neighbors behind us have two baby lambs right now.
It must have been interesting helping Susie give birth, I've seen a cow give birth but have never been called upon to help. :)

Rebecca Marie

Stephanie L.S. said...

Hey everyone! Thanks for you comments.
Michaela, the peacock doesn't live on our property, we found that online.
Veronica, I have been exercising my eyes because they are pretty bad and I don't want them to get worse.
Rebecca, cool! It was fun helping her. My sister is going to buy a pregnant milk goat so we will get to watch this again! =D

Sarah said...

lol that was SO fun!


Anonymous said...

Cool peacock! Aww how cute!! Are they nubian goats? My sister has Nigerian Dwarf goats. Isn't it exciting when the kid is born,I always can't wait to see what they look like (colors..etc..)
Princess In Disguise

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Welcome to my blog! My name is Stephanie Lyn S. I am a Reformed Presbyterian who's goal in life is to glorify God. I enjoy many things like, blogging, reading, drawing, playing the violin, windy days, playing with my dog and training her, and the list goes on. I am homeschooled and love it! I have lived in 4 different states and currently live with my older sister, Sydney, and parents on a farm in the South. I am loving it! I hope you enjoy my blog!


In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot

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